Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today I just finished learning how to make and customize tables on the computer! They are pretty fun to create and now that I know exactly how to make them they're pretty easy too! Right now I am so beyond tired that I can hardly function and the best part about it is that I have a POLYATOMIC ION Quiz in Chemistry next period. Can you say fun! But today is better than yesterday. I was so tired from Plano and really did not want to come to school but I made myself because I had a test that I didn't even study for. Well anyway, I was getting ready in the bathroom and everyone else was still asleep when the phone rang. My mom got out of bed, answered the phone, and said "what" very loudly and sudden. I new immediately something was wrong but not sure of what. She went to go get the cordless phone and when I asked what was up she shoed me off so I figured someone was just sick. Five minutes later she came into the bathroom with tears in her eyes and said that Mr. Beal had died earlier that morning. I was so upset. Mr. Beal was one of my close friends and an all around family friends grandpa. He was an assistant soccer coach to my our team and I had known him since I was probably 5. He was like a grandpa to me! I literally cried until I got to school so my day was really terribly Horrible!

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